Monday Manna! Prayer is our first language!
The disciples set an example for us in Acts 6:4 they give themselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word. Prayer was...
Monday Manna!! Time for Some Self Talk! Decide to put your hope in the Lord!
Give decouragement no place! Decide to put your hope in the Lord, trust His character and lend on Him!
Monday Manna! Love the Lord First and with Everything!
Loving the Lord first and with all that we are will set everything in your heart right!
Monday Manna With God All Things Are Possible!
This are so many impossible situations we face, things we can't solve or fix! But we serve the God of the impossible, There is nothing He...
Monday Manna! Redeeming the Time!
We as the people of GOD must learn how to invest our time for His glory! Time is a gift, everyday is a gift we must use them wisely!
Monday Manna! Cast your care on the Lord! He cares for you greatly!
Don't carry things you were never suppose to carry! God is able today to care for the all that concern you because He loves you greatly!
Monday Manna! May my Words and Medatation be Pleasing to you Lord!
Do you know God sees every thought you think? Nothing is hidden from Him! How then can we please Him with even our thoughts???
Monday Manna! Wisdom is a free Gift from the Lord!
James 1:5 tells us if you lack wisdom simply ask the Father, He will give it to you richly!
Monday Manna! Nothing Moves Without Faith!
FAITH is the currency of Heaven! Nothing moves without it!