Monday Manna! Be Filled with the Holy Spirit!!
The Holy Spirit Comes to give us power so we can be His witnesses!
Monday Manna! Hard Pressed but Never Crushed!
There are times we will feel hard pressed on every side but it will not crush you!!!
Monday Manna! It is time for true Worship!
It is easy for us to worship when every is going great, but true worshippers worship in Spirit and Truth. They understand God's character...
Monday Manna!!!! Stop Wrestling the Wrong Enemy!
We don't wrestle against flesh, that is the wrong enemy! Every fight belongs in the spirit!
Monday Manna! Your Mind is not saved!
When you got saved, your mind did not get the memo! it is still very unsaved, and it needs to be renewed every day!
Special Sunday/Monday Manna! Fear is not of God!
Did you know that fear is one not of God! He never wants us to be afraid! He wants us to walk confidently in His love that case out all...
Monday Manna! Even the Wind and the Waves!!!
Storms are a part of our lives! But the Lord can calm any storm! HE has given us the victory!
Monday Manna! His Love is the Game Changer!!!
Did you know you can't earn God love or maintain it! HE COULD NOT LOVE YOU MORE!
Monday Manna!
God has big things for His people, Be excited for the big plan of God for you!
Monday Manna!
True love for God is reflected in a life of obedience. The Word is clear that if you love God you will obey His wholeheartedly! True love...