Monday Manna!! Stillness in Chaos!
Stillness is not passive, it is confidence in the character and power of God!
Monday Manna! Our Daily Bread!
Our source is God! We are not our own source! God has created us to live one day at a time and He teaches us to pray for our daily bread!
Special Friday Manna!! Don't Move!!
God has purpose for all that we go through! He is in the middle of it all, and he is never moved!! So child of God, don't you be moved!!
Thursday Manna!! Stability of Mind!!
God has not given us a spirit of fear! We hear that all the time, but the rest of the verse is equally important! He has given us a...
Wednesday Special Manna!! Such A Time As This!!!
We are walking in days that we have never seen before! And know if you are alive today you were supposed to be here!! You were made for...
Special Manna Tuesday! Pray People Pray!
God is calling on the church to pray in this hour like never before! He does not ask the world to pray he calls on the church to pray and...
Monday Manna! Peace Surpasses!
The world is so crazy right now, people are fearful and confused. they don't know what to do or where to turn! they have no peace! But we...
Monday Manna! No Corona Here!!!
We are the church and the church needs to lead the way! You can't fight fear with fear, you. can't only fight it with faith! We as the...
Monday Manna! Anxiety Free!
God is so good and he wants us to live anxiety free! We are to pray about all things and worry about nothing!
Monday Manna! A Sound Mind!!
Fear doesn't belong to the kingdom of heaven! God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind!!!