Monday Manna! Be overtaken!
True passion for God is marked with a lifestyle of obedience! And the Scripture is clear to us if we obey God, with our lives, our...
Monday Manna! Think and ask Bigger!!!
We serve a Big God, that is able and willing to move on our behalf! He is able to go above anything that we ask or think, so we need to...
Monday Manna! Walk Wisely!
David has to run from King Saul for years as he tries many times to kill him. And with every evil plan the Bible says that David walked...
Monday Manna! Kingdom first!
By nature we try and seek many things, money resources, position and even ministry. But the Bible is clear that if we seek the Lord first...
Monday Manna! Creative God!!
there are many people feeling blind, but we serve a creative God that can make crook ways straight!
Monday Manna!!! Trust=Joy and Peace!
If you are struggling with peace and Joy, then you are trusting in the wrong thing!! Only when you trust in the Lord can you have true...
Monday Manna! All things!!!
Life many times seems like a snowball fight! Something is coming at us all the time, you don't even have time to duck! But the Word of...
Monday Manna!! Victory is Yours!
There are so many times we feel overwhelmed with life and things going on around us, but the Word of God reminds us that we have victory...
Monday Manna! His Name!!!!!
The Name of the Lord is a strong Tower the Righteous run into it and they are safe!!! There is no name greater then the name of Jesus! In...
Monday Manna!! His Voice!
There are sooo many voices speaking, yelling, demanding our ear, and we must learn that His voice is the only one we must listen and...