Monday Manna! Live Generously!!
Proverbs 11:25 teaches us a great truth! It says that the generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered...
Monday Manna! Deer's feet!
Have you ever felt like nothing is moving and everything is bare? It is in that time that the Lord himself is building you up!
Monday Manna! Secrets Secrets!
The Lord has secrets! That may amaze you but He does! And He is looking for those who He can trust to share them with! Could it be you??
Monday Manna! Circumspectly!!
The Bible calls us to live a circumspect life, to constantly allow the Holy Spirit to evaluate and search our lives so that we can walk...
Monday Manna!! Seasons!!
Everything we walk through has a beginning in an end, there might be seasons of mourning and grief and sorrow, but the page always turns...
Monday Manna! Wait!!!!!!
Waiting Is nobody’s favorite activity but God instructs us to wait on him, And our ability to wait on him reveals the depth of our...
Monday Manna! Love is a verb!!
the Bible tell us that Love is to be expressed not just in words but in action and deed!
 Monday Manna! His marvelous light!! 
We are called by God chosen by God! To be his own special people to show forth his glory!