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Dear Friends,


It is an incredible thing to wake up every morning and know that you are in the center of the will of God. That is truly how I feel.  Several years ago God began to speak to me about my next step and what He was calling me to.  He has called me to be a trailblazer in the Kingdom.  He has called me to be a Revivalist.  Now you may ask, "What is that?".  Well, I believe that the Church has lost its power and has chosen to be a kitty cat when it should be a lion.  I believe I have been called to be an igniter and infuser to the body of Christ.  It is time for the Church to be the Church in every way.  We need the power back in the Church.  We need to see miracles, healings, freedom and God on display, high and lifted up!  That is my heart and the reason I get up every morning to make the name of Jesus famous.  1 Corinthians 4:20, "For the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power!  This verse beats in my soul and in my desire for God to use me to awaken the church to this call."


This vision is currently accomplished through:

  • My extensive itinerant ministry “preaching the Word”

  • Preaching at various churches locally and internationally

  • Women’s, youth, prophecy and many other conferences

  • Weekend long prophecy events

  • Leadership conferences and workshops committed to raising up leaders

  • Authoring books and conducting speaking engagements

  • Weekends of worship and praise

  • Prophecy teaching to equip the body in the gifts


I am so grateful and humbled for this journey and the process that God has brought this ministry and me through I could not be more excited for all that He has!  My ministry partners make the vision a reality.  I am writing to ask you to prayerfully consider becoming a covenant partner with Marsha Mansour Ministries.  Covenant partners are those who join their faith to the mission and assignment God has given this ministry through prayerful support and regular financial giving in any amount.  I believe that as you choose to partner with me, the same grace that has come into my life will be released into your life.


My commitment to you as a partner with my ministry is that:
•I will pray for you on a regular basis.
•I am and will always be a ministry of integrity in every area of life and ministry.
•Marsha Mansour Ministry abides in accordance and total compliance with all IRS standards.
•I safeguard your card information & privacy; I never share private information with third parties.
•You will receive regular communication of what is taking place in this ministry.
•You’ll be invited to exclusive partner meetings to receive ministry updates and personal ministry.


Marsha Mansour Ministries is a 501c3 


Mailing Address:

Marsha Mansour

PO Box 185

South Plainfield, NJ 07080


Marsha Mansour

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